PayPal can’t add your credit card – Documentation - Yet

Jul 21, 2014 Adding an additional credit card - PayPal Community To add a debit or credit card to your PayPal account, just follow these steps: Log in to your PayPal account at Click 'Profile' near the top of the page. Click the 'Credit/Debit Cards' link in the 'Financial Information' column. You can use most credit cards on PayPal – here's how You can use most major credit cards on PayPal, including Visa, MasterCard, Discover, American Express, and more. It's easy to link a credit card to your PayPal account using the mobile app or website. PayPal can’t add your credit card – Documentation - Yet

How to Add Funds to PayPal With a Credit Card | Sapling

Nov 03, 2019 How to Add Funds to PayPal With a Credit Card | Sapling Mar 30, 2018

How Can I Transfer My Gift Card Balance to My Paypal

Sep 29, 2018 Buy It Now/Paypal asking to add card - The eBay Community I see that and can enter my Paypal password but then it asks me to add a credit card. However I already have a credit card on my Paypal. I only have one card so I can't add it again. For the heck of it I tried adding it again, but it cycles back to the page you have above and I still can't confirm and pay after that. Here is what I am seeing. Can You Pay a Credit Card Using PayPal? | SmartSavvyLife PayPal is a digital currency for the most part today, and your balance generally comes from a PayPal card, friends or family, services you’ve rendered or sold online, or even a PayPal line of credit itself, which you CAN pay via the PayPal balance you keep on hand (more on that in a minute). PayPal remains the most useful of all online